Browse Month by August 2017
Peace, Personal Growth, Prayer, Self-care, Spiritual Practice, Spirituality

Surrender: Releasing Your Troubles to the Heart of God

Surrender can be one of the hardest things to do. Yet, it is one of the most powerful and effective spiritual postures there is. We are not meant to carry our burdens alone; we are meant to partner with God (the Divine, Spirit, Goddess – whatever you call your Higher Power or the Source of all Being) as we face the burdens of life, turning over our troubles to God regularly lest we become weighed down from trying to carry more than we are able to. Life involves challenge, which is hard on the spirit, so we must also have a regular means of release and cleansing for our spirit. Surrender is more than necessary.

We are not meant to carry our burdens alone.

The action of surrender is a choice. It’s an inner decision to release and let go, willfully handing things over to the God who loves us, to that which surely desires what is best for us. God can be trusted. And even if you don’t have trust in God, you can still surrender. It is not a feeling or some miraculous moment where the heavens will part, as much as it is a decision. You can keep on choosing it over and over again, as many times as you need to in order to maintain your peace. It’s an action we are meant to take regularly—even several times a day.

It can be helpful to use imagery or tactile methods to symbolize your act of surrendering. For example:

  • Writing down the things you are surrendering on slips of paper and putting them in a special jar or container kept for that purpose. A “prayer jar” of sorts.
  • Taking a walk and imagining yourself releasing your stresses or worries to the earth beneath you, or to the trees around you. Nature is the Great Mother and this practice brings healing.
  • Using prayer beads as you recite The Serenity Prayer or some other prayer of surrender.
  • Singing a song of surrender, such as the hymn “I Surrender All” or this one, one of my favorites.
  • Doing breathing exercises where you imagine inhaling love or peace and then surrendering to God on your exhale.

Whatever the method, surrender often.

Whatever the method, surrender often. Many of us are carrying around (and being weighed down by) things we needed to surrender a long time ago. Outdated beliefs, untrue ideas about ourselves and/or others, pain from the past, baggage from past relationships, unprocessed loss, etc. The less we surrender on a regular basis, the more these things will build up.

We tend to resist surrender. Perhaps because the very act of surrender is affirmation of the uncomfortable truth that there is much we aren’t in control of in life. It’s often easier to believe that we are fully responsible when bad things happen in our lives (that it’s because we have failed in some way), because that idea at least maintains that we are in complete control. The truth is that we only have so much agency. There are forces beyond our control, things far beyond our understanding.

Do you want to access the peace of God? Surrender that which is beyond your control.

Surrender can be hard, but it ultimately brings peace. Do you want to access the peace of God? Surrender that which is beyond your control. One of the best prayers I’ve ever heard is simply: “You are God and I am not.” Surrender puts you in your rightful place in relation to God. We are not meant to live as if we have the full power of God. We are meant to do what we can and then release the rest to the Great Knowing, the Comforter, the one who longs to help us and give us peace.