Take time for some sacred self-care. Join us as we write in God’s presence together and explore journaling as a healing practice!

“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (2 Corinthians 3:17). The Message translation says of this freedom: “Nothing between us and God…” We seek that true intimacy with God’s Spirit when we abide with God through a sacred writing practice. It heals.

Healing arts practitioner Tiffany Nicole Fletcher has used writing as a healing practice for over twenty years. She will introduce a specific healing journaling practice and share truths found in the Word to guide you, and then you’ll have time to try the journaling practice on your own. We’ll come back together for group discussion, where you can share about your journaling experience if you feel led to. At the end, Tiffany will lead a brief meditation to help you integrate what you’ve learned and discovered.

You’ll walk away with encouragement and tips for your own healing journaling practice.

Let’s explore the healing power of journaling together. Join us!

Register for Healing Journaling